How to translate Articulate Rise 360 courses

Published on Jun 26, 2024

#Articulate#Rise 360#Translation


Translating your Articulate Rise 360 courses is an essential step for reaching a global audience and ensuring the commercial success of your e-learning programs. While Rise 360 lacks a built-in translation feature, you can still achieve seamless translations by exporting your courses as XLIFF documents and using external translation tools. This article will guide you through the entire process, from preparation to importing translated content back into Rise 360, along with best practices to ensure quality and consistency.

Key Takeaways

  • Articulate Rise 360 does not have a built-in translation feature, but you can export courses as XLIFF documents for translation.
  • Duplicating your course for each target language is the first step in the translation process.
  • External translation tools like eLearning Translator can streamline the translation workflow and manage multiple languages efficiently.
  • Importing translated content back into Rise 360 requires careful verification to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Following best practices for translation helps maintain course quality and enhances the learning experience for a global audience.

Preparing Your Articulate Rise 360 Course for Translation

Before you begin translating your Articulate Rise 360 course, it’s essential to prepare it properly to ensure a smooth translation process. This preparation involves duplicating the course, setting up a default reference language, and organizing course copies effectively.

Duplicating the Course

Start by creating multiple copies of your course, one for each target language. This step is crucial as it allows you to maintain the original course intact while working on the translations. Duplicating the course ensures that you have a backup and can easily revert to the original if needed.

Setting Up Default Reference Language

After duplicating the course, set the source language as the default reference language. This helps translators understand the context and maintain consistency throughout the translation process. To do this, navigate to the course settings and select the appropriate language as the default reference.

Organizing Course Copies

Proper organization of your course copies is vital for efficient management. Create a clear naming convention for each course copy, indicating the target language. For example:

  • CourseName_EN (for English)
  • CourseName_ES (for Spanish)
  • CourseName_FR (for French)

This naming convention will help you quickly identify and manage each course version. Additionally, consider creating folders for each language to keep all related files and resources together.

Proper preparation and organization of your Articulate Rise 360 course will save you time and effort during the translation process. It ensures that your translators can work efficiently and that the final product is consistent and accurate.

Exporting Your Course as an XLIFF Document

Understanding XLIFF Format

XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is a standard format used for exchanging localization data. It allows for the easy transfer of text and metadata between different tools and platforms. This format is widely supported by various translation management systems, making it a popular choice for course translation.

Steps to Export XLIFF

  1. Open the course you’ve made for translation.
  2. Click Settings in the upper right corner.
  3. Proceed to the Translations tab.
  4. If you don’t need to preserve formatting, deselect Include HTML formatting. Note that you’ll have to format the course afterward if you choose to do this.
  5. Click Export XLIFF file and save it.

Only course managers and owners can perform the export.

Common Export Issues

When exporting files for translation, you might encounter some common issues. For instance, slide titles from the title box are exported as “untitled slides” in the course menus. To avoid this, ensure that all slides have unique titles before exporting. Additionally, always double-check the exported file to confirm that all content has been included correctly.

Using External Translation Tools

When translating your Articulate Rise 360 courses, leveraging external translation tools can significantly streamline the process. There is a time and place for automatic translation, but based on our experiences, we will continue to use professional translators for the foreseeable future.

Introduction to eLearningTranslator

eLearning Translator is a popular choice among translation vendors. It offers a simple and effective solution to translate the Articulate Rise Trainings. You can simply upload the XLIFF file using drag and drop and choose from one of 30+ target languages.

Remember to translate multimedia elements and external attachments to maintain the integrity of your course content.

Importing Translated Content Back into Rise 360

Once each translation is complete, it’s time to return to Articulate Rise 360 and import it.

Steps to Import XLIFF

  1. Click into the duplicated course for the target language you want to import.
  2. Select Settings on the toolbar at the top.
  3. Go to the Translations tab.
  4. Scroll down to Step 3 and select Import Translated Text.
  5. Select the translated XLIFF file you downloaded and click Open. You will see a message when the task is complete.

Verifying Translations

After importing, it’s crucial to verify the translations. Check each section of the course to ensure that the content appears correctly and that there are no formatting issues. Pay special attention to any Storyline blocks, as they need to be translated separately and then imported back into the course.

Troubleshooting Import Errors

If you encounter any issues during the import process, follow these steps:

  • Ensure that the XLIFF file is correctly formatted and not corrupted.
  • Double-check that you are importing the file into the correct course.
  • If the problem persists, consult the Articulate Rise 360 support documentation or contact their support team for assistance.

Importing translated content back into Rise 360 is a straightforward process, but it requires careful attention to detail to ensure that the final product meets quality standards.

Best Practices for Translating Rise 360 Courses

You can optimize your Rise 360 translation at many levels. Keep these best practices in mind to translate content effectively for your linguistically diverse audiences.

Maintaining Course Consistency

Maintaining consistency across your courses is crucial. Ensure that terminology and style are uniform throughout the translated content. This can be achieved by creating a glossary of terms and a style guide for translators to follow.

Quality Assurance Tips

Quality assurance is a vital step in the translation process. Implement a review cycle that includes multiple stages of proofreading and editing. Utilize both automated tools and human reviewers to catch errors and ensure the highest quality.

Handling Multiple Languages

When dealing with multiple languages, it’s important to plan for text expansion. A paragraph written in one language might take up more space than the same paragraph written in another language. Make sure your course layout can accommodate these differences without compromising the design.

At the end of the day, you have important messages to share through your courses. These messages have more impact if you deliver them in multiple languages.

Exporting Localized Articulate XLIFF Files

Once you are done with the localization of your Articulate Rise 360 course, you can download your target languages in the Articulate XLIFF file format using the Export functionality.


Translating Articulate Rise 360 courses may seem daunting at first, but with the right approach and tools, it becomes a manageable task. By following the outlined steps—creating multiple course copies, setting up a translation project, inviting translators, and exporting localized files—you can effectively reach a global audience. Leveraging external tools like eLearning Translator can streamline the process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Ultimately, a well-translated course can significantly enhance your reach and impact, making your educational content accessible to a broader audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Articulate Rise 360?

Articulate Rise 360 is an e-learning authoring tool that allows users to create interactive and responsive courses quickly and easily.

How can I translate my Rise 360 course into another language?

You can translate your Rise 360 course by exporting it as an XLIFF document, using external translation tools like eLearning Translator, and then importing the translated XLIFF back into Rise 360.

What is an XLIFF document?

XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is a standardized format used for exchanging localization data, making it easier to translate and manage content in multiple languages.

Can I use any translation tool for translating my Rise 360 course?

While you can use various translation tools, it is recommended to use tools that support XLIFF format, such as eLearning Translator, to ensure compatibility and ease of use.

What should I do if I encounter issues while importing the translated XLIFF file back into Rise 360?

If you encounter issues, verify the XLIFF file for any errors, ensure it follows the correct format, and consult Articulate’s support resources for troubleshooting tips.

Are there best practices for maintaining course consistency during translation?

Yes, maintaining a glossary of terms, using consistent formatting, and conducting thorough quality assurance checks can help ensure consistency across translated courses.